Ok EXHALE!........It's the Monday after Social Media Week (Sept 19-23, 2011) and I can honestly say I'm still recovering from a brain straining, info jammed, party packed awesome week of sharing, listening and learning from some of Vancouver's top Social Media "Jedi's" (that one is for Eric Weaver and Debra Trappen ;).
During the week there were more than 30 separate events; 72+ keynotes and guest speakers; multiple media mentions; Several different tracks; numerous parties......in other words - More than you could possibly do in 1 Week!!!
The Highlights:

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My 3 seconds of fame ~ appeared on the screen in the B roll for The Rude of Normal CTV segment |
What's Social Media Really About?
So despite all the fabulous attention and raised profile I received during the week...that's really not what it was about. To me Social Media IS and will ALWAYS BE about building relationships....and not just any relationships, but relationships that matter! SO I have a ton of people I need to thank.
(There are tons of great recaps out there already; "The Four Lessons I Learned From Social Media Week in Vancouver" on TechVibes by Rolando Fuentes sums it up beautifully! TY!)
First and foremost I need to thank Shane Gibson and Anthony Caridi ~ Cofounders of Socialized! Ltd. for their vision of bringing Social Media Week to Vancouver and for inviting me to be a part of their team. It's been a crazy ride but I will never forget all the good times, challenges faced and met, and the level of success we achieved together. You did something great for this city, it was an honor to be involved and I congratulate you on your success! (can't believe we didn't get one picture together!)
I also need to thank ALL of the people who jumped when I asked them to participate!:
- Matt Astifan ~ You rocked The Facebook Marketing Strategies; The Social Science of B2B and Secrets of a Social Media Campaign sessions! You contributed HUGE value and I am forever grateful for your participation! (Especially on your Birthday!!)
- Richard Loat Founder of Five Hole For Food ~ Whenever anyone needs anything you always JUMP! Social Good Summit would not have been the same without you! I am hands down your biggest fan (even if you call me 'Mom' ;)
- Debra Trappen and Scott Dawson ~ Your contributions to the Real Estate Summit were invaluable! Your passions are palpable! Thanks Deb for driving all the way from Seattle and risking life and limb (sketchy back alley reference!) Particularly HUGE Thanks to Stephen Jagger who organized and hosted the hugely successful RE Summit! Thanks to Cliff Stevenson who flew in from Calgary, Kye Grace, Tom Everitt, Bocar Dia of Hootsuite and to Ceilis Pub for allowing us to use their space for the RE Summit, Monday Launch party and of course the Wrap party! FUN TIMES!
- Kristine Carrick and Maryanne Lechleiter of UrbanLifeMedia ~ what can I say? Best PR Team EVER! Making phone calls way into the night...scraping info together at the last minute...you generated so many great media stories and interest! You ROCK! Your sponsorship is TRULY valued!
- Tracy Bymoen ~ Amazing Video Sponsor! Thank you so much for ALL you captured this week! You are so talented and now we've documented some amazing highlights of the week! Everyone can view many of Tracy's video interviews on her You Tube Channel: MoenbyMedia
- Mark Smiciklas ~ Thanks so much for your contributions to the Agency Mashup and your awesome Power of Infographics session during our Enterprise 2.0 Summit. Such valuable information!!
- Dave Teixeira ~ What an amazing job interviewing all levels of governement! I LOVED the 'Donahue' style of your Government 2.0 session! Amazing creative segment with skyped in Icelandic Gov't official and BC Liberals, and Mayor of Coquitlam and even Police Chief Jim Chu which was picked up by CNN! (nice interview Tracy!)
- Meena Sandhu ~ You were such a huge part of Social Media Week....through contributing your space at the ING Cafe for so many mashups...hosting the Leading Women in Business Mashup and inviting me to participate and for sharing the ING story as a keynote at our Enterprise 2.0 Summit. You are a force to be reckoned with in this town and I feel so lucky to call you friend!
- Marc Smith of Amuse Consulting ~ You are such an amazing friend and powerhouse! Can't imagine how we would have functioned without you! Thank you so much for being our Events Sponsor! (and for all the shout outs!)
- Tyrell Mara ~ Thank you for your willingness to roll up your sleeves and build some great content to help us promote the week! Great interviews with Shane Gibson, Meena Sandhu & Mark Smiciklas!!
- Jill Earthy ~ Thanks for stepping up at the last minute to be an integral member of our CEO panel at Enterprise 2.0!
- Cathy Browne, Lorraine Murphy, Dave MacDonald, Jonah Lewis, Mitch Baldwin ~ To our team: WOW! You guys worked so hard and helped make this week so valuable for everyone who attended and especially those who couldn't! Cheers to your efforts and future success!!(All sessions live blogged can be found at the Socialized Blog (Thanks Lorraine) and Cathy's flickr stream captured all the pics.
- Eric Weaver ~ The WEAVE! What can I say....you blew minds with your amazing presentation at Enterprise 2.0! I can't thank you enough for coming "home" from Seattle to share you eloquent wisdom! I'm confident that everyone in that theater left with a far greater understanding of how social should be used in business. And I LOVE "Salty's" story! ;) I HIGHLY recommend that everyone visits the blog to view the highlights : Where Business Meets Social I am forever your number 1 fan Eric!! xo
- Jeff Booth ~ Ok this one gets me a little misty (see picture below) How can I possibly thank you enough for the amazing shout out at Enterprise 2.0!? Your keynote was so genuine and authentic. Everyone was instantly touched by your level of integrity and your values. As I was reading the stream I wasn't surprised to see everyone gushing at how inspiring you are....and then you do that! I can honestly say ~ you are my business hero! I have the hugest level of respect for you and so to know that you place our friendship so high ....well there are not words to describe how special that makes me feel. Your keynote Where Business Meets Social (like every time I have the opportunity to hear you speak) inspires me to be a better person and reach a little higher! If there's ever ANYTHING I can do for you all you have to do is ask! (Not surprised that we share the same favorite movie: It's A Wonderful Life!)
A Ginormous THANK YOU to Toby Daniels Founder and Executive Director of Social Media Week, Brian Leddy, Ben Sheim, and Zach Smith! What amazing vision you have to undertake this monstrosity of a project! Kudos to you and everyone at Crowdcentric! Amazing achievement (and they do this bi-annually!!! - next one in February 2012!!)
and thanks to everyone who attended any Social Media Week events this week!
We could NOT have done any of it without YOU!!
Finally a very special heart felt thank you to my husband Tod Lansing, who supports me in every possible way, allows me the freedom and time to participate in great projects like Social Media Week, and encourages my efforts and growth. Thanks Honey ~ I LOVE you!