Just Keep Going!
My friend Scott Stratten (Mr. UnMarketing himself ~ who I met at Social Media Camp in Victoria in October) gave this amazingly powerful talk at TEDx in Oakville. There seems to be a movement brewing and this 'idea worth spreading' is incredibly familiar to my last post: Step Back From the Baggage Claim
I had a workaholic father who I never saw ~ and I remember telling myself I will never put work ahead of my family which is why I was a stay-at-home mom for many years. It was less than ideal...because I was at home, we had far less money, and so fewer opportunities and had to say 'no' to our kids quite regularly, but I always believed that being 'available' was far more important than anything money could buy.
As a divorcee I of course had no choice but to get to work....my children were older and I felt like I had sacrificed a great deal to be there for them when they were young and that the foundation had been set....and so I ventured off into the world of career.
Jump ahead to today and I have fallen prey to the lure of 'being a big deal' and the pursuit of more and more and more money - always trying to build something bigger and better ...BUT ~ I regularly
Step Back
Turn off
Tune In
Its so important to remind myself that None of it means a thing without the people I care about and who care about me.
That's the way I see it. Thanks Scott for the deeply personal reminder....and by the way ~ I think you ARE a big deal!
The "Step Back from the Baggage Claim" Movement
I discovered Jason Barger this week and HAD to share this 'Step Back from the Baggage Claim' Movement!
Put some "loving vibrations in motion in the world"! Step back and gain some perspective.
Visit http://www.stepbackfromthebaggageclaim.com/
Where Everyone Knows Your Name
Hey there, hi there, ho there!
I want to take this opportunity to invite you to join our Fraser Valley Social Media Meetup that is taking the Valley by storm! I founded this group with the intention to build our business relationships in the valley and offer truly valuable high level learning in all realms including Social Media, Business and Marketing. We also focus strongly on the 'Social' side of things and encourage the networking and enjoying each other's company!!
We only just launched in April of this year but we've already had so many fabulous meetups and we've grown to over 200 members (or Socialites ;)
Guest presenters have included:
1. Stephen Jagger - owner of Ubertor/Reached/ and OutsourcingThings.com
2. Kye Grace - partner at Debruyn Design
3. Rich Patterson - owner of Big Coast Brands
4. Roy Osing - Author of Be Different or Be Dead
and this month I'm happy to announce that Shane Gibson - Co-author of Sociable and his newest book with Jay Conrad Levinson Guerrilla Social Media Marketing
We hold monthly meetings every 3rd Thursday at 7pm at Agave Grill in Langley on 200th Street. (this month is the exception - we'll be meeting on Wednesday, October 20th to accomodate our presenter who has to jet set off for some out of town meetings on our usual meetup date).
May I offer some tips on how to get the most out of our meetups?
1. Sign up!
2. Post a picture and a brief profile!! This allows us all to know who you are and give us the chance to recognize you in person. Additionally I may notice that you work in an industry that I may require - who knows where the business will potentially come from!
3. Leave your sales speak at the door! This group is meant to form relationships organically...that means you'll probably have to come back for more than one meetup because it takes a little time to build genuine relationships!
4. You can add the Meetup app on your iphone and check in to let your social network know where you are and you can even upload pictures on site to our meetup group with Snapup!
4. Stick around AFTER the presentations! There is HUGE value in the networking and socializing!
As we grow we may offer more events in between - that will all depend on what YOU want! I love hosting these meetups - we've met so many fabulous people! I just KNEW there were great people in the Valley - we just needed a way to connect!
So join up and please spread the word to anyone you think may be appreciate this opportunity!
I want to take this opportunity to invite you to join our Fraser Valley Social Media Meetup that is taking the Valley by storm! I founded this group with the intention to build our business relationships in the valley and offer truly valuable high level learning in all realms including Social Media, Business and Marketing. We also focus strongly on the 'Social' side of things and encourage the networking and enjoying each other's company!!
We only just launched in April of this year but we've already had so many fabulous meetups and we've grown to over 200 members (or Socialites ;)
Guest presenters have included:
1. Stephen Jagger - owner of Ubertor/Reached/ and OutsourcingThings.com
2. Kye Grace - partner at Debruyn Design
3. Rich Patterson - owner of Big Coast Brands
4. Roy Osing - Author of Be Different or Be Dead
and this month I'm happy to announce that Shane Gibson - Co-author of Sociable and his newest book with Jay Conrad Levinson Guerrilla Social Media Marketing
We hold monthly meetings every 3rd Thursday at 7pm at Agave Grill in Langley on 200th Street. (this month is the exception - we'll be meeting on Wednesday, October 20th to accomodate our presenter who has to jet set off for some out of town meetings on our usual meetup date).
May I offer some tips on how to get the most out of our meetups?
1. Sign up!
2. Post a picture and a brief profile!! This allows us all to know who you are and give us the chance to recognize you in person. Additionally I may notice that you work in an industry that I may require - who knows where the business will potentially come from!
3. Leave your sales speak at the door! This group is meant to form relationships organically...that means you'll probably have to come back for more than one meetup because it takes a little time to build genuine relationships!
4. You can add the Meetup app on your iphone and check in to let your social network know where you are and you can even upload pictures on site to our meetup group with Snapup!
4. Stick around AFTER the presentations! There is HUGE value in the networking and socializing!
As we grow we may offer more events in between - that will all depend on what YOU want! I love hosting these meetups - we've met so many fabulous people! I just KNEW there were great people in the Valley - we just needed a way to connect!
So join up and please spread the word to anyone you think may be appreciate this opportunity!
The Realize Movie
Enjoy life...NOW!
scott stratten,
Spread Awesome!
This past weekend I skipped across the pond to Victoria to partake and moderate a panel in the 1st
(I hope will be an annual event) Social Media Camp ~the creation of Chris Burdge Founder of BWest
and Paul Holmes President of IdeaZone. (Thanks guys - was such an awesome experience! Smooth!)
Spreading Awesome was my takeaway~ That's exactly what these two do! Meet Scott Stratten and Julien Smith ~ our keynote speakers at Social Media Camp Victoria 2010. I had the fabulous priveldge of partying like a rock star with these two amazing guys! (yes I'm a bit of a groupie :)
Scott Stratten has written the book Unmarketing and is now UN-touring all over North America preaching his message of "Stop Marketing and Start Engaging"! Spread Awesome - in other words Awesome Content! I got a real kick out of this:
"Social Media has been around for decades....it's called TALKING!"~ Scott Stratten
Hahaha! I am a true believer of everything Scott preaches - in fact, you'll likely hear me preaching many of the same things in my presentations! (For fun I live U-streamed a portion of his session! You can view here: TLC TV)
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Scott, me and Julien at tweetup post Social Media Camp! Fun Day! |
Julien Smith co-authored Trust Agents with Chris Brogan (again ~you'll hear me reference in my presentations - yes I did feel like I was meeting my heros!)
Julien spoke about 'The Social Forge' ~ in other words Forge Ahead! He said:
"I'm a fan of adaptability....How can I try and do that in a new and natural way?"
He presented the image of an old tree that when enough pressure is applied will now break. He suggests that as we age we all get far more 'breakable' and so the key is to keep bending - keep pushing ourselves so that when that pressure is applied we can adapt and not break! "If you just screw around ~ sometimes you can find cool shit." Ain't that the truth!?
" Vulnerable is the new Cool!" ~ Julien Smith
Love that! There's hope for us all! So get out there and go spread some awesome!! Scott and Julien certainly are!!
PS- Scott Stratten will be in Vancouver on his Untour December 1 - Make sure to get your tix early!! Thanks to Amuse Consulting; Jordan Consulting and CK Golf Solutions for bringing this great event to our town!!
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