
The Doctrine of Stephen Jagger

How could I have known when I met him how completely he would change my life but Stephen Jagger is my Redeemer!

Struggling to establish myself on my path in Real Estate, Stephen Jagger became my beacon and in the process introduced me to my new passion:  All things Social Media!

Stephen is the most laid back, humble, and generous business savvy entrepreneur that I have ever met.  At the ripe old age of 32 he already is owner/principle of 3 successful companies Ubertor.com, Reachd.com and Outsourcingthingsdone.com.

Achieving his successes have come, I believe, from his uncanny ability to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate the new styles of business and foreseeing opportunities!

His ability to keep his finger on the pulse of future trends is why he became my Social Media Guru.  He introduced me to GaryVaynerchuk and Chris Brogan and Seth Godin and now he's co-written his own book with Shane Gibson on the subject called Sociable.

I'm now entering the consulting world of Social Media (a fabulous compliment to my Real Estate Career) and feel reborn in my new found passion! I'm proud to say Stephen is my friend and I will continue to look to him for future trends and business best practices.

sidebar: I've written this post as an entry to win a free trip to Chicago for #SOBCon2010 (the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers Conference) so please SHARE cause lord knows I can use all the help I can get!!

Thanks Steve and cheers!


  1. Wow, thanks Teri!

  2. all true Steve. :)

  3. Congrats TLC, way to go. Proud of you. Welcome to the world of juggling 2 business: one social media and one something else (swag for me). They are really complimentary so I know you'll do great. Enjoy!

  4. You are in great company with Stephen and Shane. Socail media is fun, exciting and dynamic, you will have fun.

  5. Thanks RICH! You've taught me a few things too! :)
